#899 tok kong mee kia: enjoy!

Ah... one of those days that start out non-descript but end in a quietly wonderful way.

Slept at nearly 2 am this morning after watching the 2009 BBC adaptation of Sense and Sensibility (two of Austen's greatest villian's names start with W!!). Went to school feeling like my eye balls were gonna drop out of my head.

Added to that I had practised putting on eye liner for my pirate costume (pirate themed birthday party yay!!) and didn't have proper make up remover so I looked like a panda.

Test week, so I was just helping out with the marking of scripts.

3.15 pm. Nothing to do. An hour to kill. Walked out to the soccer field with my phone. Checked whatsapp, Facebook, Word with Friends, email. Watched soccer boys train. Feel envious they can run so fast and kick so hard. Think about CELTA and wonder if I should sign up for it. I'll have to subsist on bread and water for the next three months if I do.

3.30 pm. Soccer practice ends. ~kun walks by and asks me what I am doing. Just messaging my friends and thinking, I say. Enjoy? he asks. Hmmm.. not really. Smiles.

What are you doing? Soccer practise. Did you enjoy it? Yes. I cannot speak English. (they always have this disclaimer) Nonsense, I say. You can do it. You understand it. A little. A little's good. You can improve.

Why are there so few boys practising? Oh, some of them have 4 tests tomorrow. Wow. How many do you have? Two. Two?

~~kun joins us. Have you studied. No. !!!! WHY??!! I don't like it. Hahaha. I understand. What tests are they? ~~kun says he has one - P.E ~kun has two - Japanese History.

Eh!!??? There is a written P.E test? That's unusual! What is your favorite subject? ~~ kun's English is better and he translates for ~kun. ~~kun says he likes P.E. ~kun like cooking. EHHHH!!!??? Really, you like cooking? What kind of cooking? Baking?

~~kun and ~kun look at each other. What is baking? Er. Hmm. I don't know the Japanese word.

A ball flies over. ~~kun gets it and asks the kick-er, what is Baking? Baking powder. I laugh. Yes, you use baking powder in baking. Paan!! Paan!! ~~~kun yells. Yes, yes, I say. You can bake bread.

Suddenly there are about 7 kuns sitting around me and talking. Trying to translate. Teach me how to play soccer, I say. Onegashimasu. They discuss. I don't have the proper shoes, I gather from the discussion. But I do, I think. I shall show up one day for soccer practise. Another day, I tell them.

And so we talked about soccer manga, the upcoming soccer game, the strength of the opponent. And then nicknames of a first year student.

4.10 pm. Time flies when you're having fun. The shadows lengthen and the wind turns chilly. ~kun gets up to leave. Bye, he says. Bye, I say. It was nice talking to you.

Enjoy! he said.

Did he enjoy the conversation? Or was he asking me to enjoy the rest of the day? I don't know, but I know it turned out to be a good day.
