The Japanese Embassy in Singapore recently organized a conference on 'The Nuclear Situation in Japan'. It was held at Suntec City and some of us JETs attended it. Nothing much was said that we didn't already know, though. It was really strange that the information the Embassy gave was that Singapore's background radiation level, at 0.09 mSv, was actually higher than Tokyo's, which was at 0.072 mSv!! How can that be??!!
Also, the Embassy encouraged Singaporeans to start visiting Japan more, and said that some 100 students were to be visiting Japan in July. Hmmmm. When asked about these activities by the media, the spokesperson couldn't elaborate more on it; he just said it was being discussed etc.
Ah well. I received my CoC! Which is a Certificate of Clearance that the CID issues to Singaporeans (have to go apply at the Police Cantonment Centre wor...) stating that they have not been involved in any criminal activity haha. I am a law-abiding citizen! Handed it over to the Embassy already, and now, the next wait.... for my placement results! Waiting, and waiting, and waiting... If anything, the JET program application process is the one that builds character, not the actual program itself, haha. Then again, we'll see, when (God Willing) I get to go over and experience it.
Patience is bitter, nevertheless, the fruit is sweet.
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